Our Hours are:
Monday - Sunday: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Monday - Thursday: 4:30pm - 7:30pm
Babysitting is a complimentary service provided by the Y for children ages 8 weeks - 11 years, and we ask that you please adhere to the guidelines below:
• Babysitting is only available to members who are working out or in a parent/child class and has a time limit of 1 hour.
• Parents/Guardians must have a Family or Adult Membership.
• Due to a wide spectrum of allergies, food is not allowed in the babysitting room. Snacks are welcome in the lobby.
• Sippy cups and bottles are allowed - please label them with your child’s name.
• For the safety and/or well being of all the children using Babysitting, parents/guardians are not permitted to stay with their children, THIS IS A DROP OFF SERVICE ONLY.
• Toys from home are strongly discouraged. We cannot be responsible if they get lost or broken.
• Parent/Guardian must remain onsite at all times.
• If your child is ill they must be excluded from Babysitting.
Please be aware that if these guidelines are broken, your membership may be subject to suspension or termination.